Make sure you are registered to vote

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 21, 2001

If you want your voice heard in this November’s election, you better make sure you are registered to vote.

Friday, September 21, 2001

If you want your voice heard in this November’s election, you better make sure you are registered to vote.

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The deadline is closer than you think (Oct. 9), and those who have moved, married or haven’t registered before need to make a trip to the Lawrence County Board of Elections soon. Otherwise, you will not be able to vote on Nov. 2.

There are many council, township trustee and school board races on this year’s ballot. Also, Ironton residents will vote on whether or not to accept a proposed municipal income tax increase. If you think your opinion don’t matter, you are sadly mistaken.

Those who choose not to exercise their right to vote have no business criticizing elected officials or issues decided at the polls. We have the ability to control, to some extent, what is imposed upon us as citizens of a community, county or country.

So don’t drag your feet. Register to vote and make sure you put in your two cents worth.