Thanks, to all, for work in making Profile 2003

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 22, 2003

If you notice something a bit different about today's edition, do not be alarmed. It may seem a little more hefty than usual and for good reason. Today, we publish our largest special edition of the year, Profile 2003.

Inside, I hope you will find something that interests you. From stories about educational changes to advances to health care to stories about a World War I flying ace from Ironton, inside are lots of interesting

"stuff" about our area.

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And that's not even including all of the great advertisements inside. Some of the ads illustrate the history of some of our area's most important businesses. Still, others tell a personal side of life in our area. Phillips Funeral Home, for example, prints the names of those who have passed on from this life as a small tribute to the dozens and dozens of families the Phillips family serves each year. For someone new to the area, it is amazing to see that many names in one place. Yet, the Phillips' is just one of many stories of people helping people, making a difference in our community. Dozens more are inside this edition. And, I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs, reading the stories and looking at the advertisements.

Journalism instructors and old-time newspaper people will often quote a familiar phrase, "behind every door is a story."

The phrase is meant to urge young reporters -- and complacent veterans, too -- to remember that everyone has a story. And it is our job, as journalists, to tell those stories. The other interesting thing about Profile is that such a small staff can produce such a large section. It is a testament to all of the people who work here at The Tribune. Each one has done his or her part to make Profile happen. And to each, I offer my thanks.

They include:

Chad Bellomy, Michael Caldwell, Debbie Childers, Gary Cochran, Ida Cox Bonita Creger, John Cronin, Shelia Crum, Carla Dalton, Shawn Doyle, Bo Elliott, Hogan Haas, Kelli Jameson, Shirley Justice, Allison Koerper, Howie McCormick, Debbie Milem, Teresa Moore, John Mullins, Amelia Pridemore, Shawn Randolph, Jennifer Roach, Keisha Ryle, Joey Smith, Justin Smith, Harry Thompson and

Jim Walker.

Thanks to all of them, and thanks to all of our readers.

Kevin Cooper is publisher of The Ironton Tribune. He can be reached at (740) 532-1445 ext. 12 or by e-mail to