More than 700 miss dog tag deadline
Published 12:00 am Friday, March 21, 2003
Ohio state law requires dog owners to purchase a dog tag for each dog they own during a set time period each year- Dec. 31 through Jan. 31. The Lawrence County Commission usually extends that deadline into February for the convenience of pet owners.
Even with the deadline extension this year, Lawrence County Dog Warden Bill Click said Wednesday that 732 known dog owners have not yet purchased the requisite tag for their pet. The deadline extension expired two weeks ago.
"I sent them a card in December to remind them to come in and buy a tag," Click said. "They haven't done this yet. I hope they come in on their own and buy that tag. I would rather not go to their houses and talk to them about this but if I have to, I'll cite them for it."
Under state law,
the dog warden has the authority to impose a fine against people who do not buy the tag. He can also impound their pet.
Poundkeeper Amber DePriest said a dog tag has one benefit that many people don't think of.
"It's your dog's ticket home," DePriest said. "If you dog is lost, and someone finds it, we can enter its tag number into our computer and immediately pull up the owner's name, address and telephone number. That dog tag can get that pet back home."
Click said 3,500 people have purchased dog tags. The money from the tags is used to operate the animal shelter.
Earlier this week, the pound housed 47 dogs in need of new homes. Click encouraged people who are thinking about getting a pet to shop the pound, so to speak.
"When you adopt from the pound, you save a life," Click said.