Aid family enjoys outdoor seclusion

Published 12:00 am Monday, September 8, 2003

AID TOWNSHIP -- While many people cannot live without the hustle and bustle of the city, Benny Taylor's only noise is the sounds of water running from a waterfall into his fish pond.

"I like the peacefulness out in the county," he said.

Taylor, a Waterloo native and child care supervisor at Mended Reeds in Ironton, built his home along County Road 5 in Aid Township next door to his wife Terri's parents' home 25 years ago. Terri works for Ohio River Bank. They now share that house with sons Kyle, 16, and Luke, 10.

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The only people that live near the Taylors are other family members. Terri's parents and sister live nearby, which was always convenient when the couple needed a babysitter while the children were younger, Benny said.

"That's why I like it," he said, "I'm pretty much a private person."

However, the Taylor property is not always quiet. The 200-plus acres the family lives on provides plenty of room for Kyle's 4-H club, Gingham and Denim, which has 50 members that meet on the property. The site is also home to the entire family's annual deer hunt, during which members stay in a cabin on Benny and Terri Taylor's property. Eight deer met their maker during the last hunt.

Kyle, a junior at Symmes Valley High School, has been a member of 4-H for nine years and was a member of the Future Farmers of America for three.

"It opened wide doors in the ways of friendship," he said.

He plans to study forestry in college.

"I love the outdoors, and I love to work outside," he said.

"I'm not moving too far away from home. We got 200-plus acres. The seclusion and peacefulness, you can't find it anywhere else."

Luke, a straight-A student at Symmes Valley Elementary, is more focused on the present.

"I'm just trying to get through grade school," he said.

"I can ride a bike (in Aid) without almost getting hit. I can hunt and fish anywhere."

Also, three to four of his friends are usually piled in the house for a sleepover on Luke's birthday.

As the water ran down the small waterfall beside the driveway, Luke gave the family's finned friends their dinner. Just as Benny predicted, they swam right to the top.