Tree thought to be oldest in Ironton cut down

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 12, 2003

Just how old it was, no one was really for sure.

But it was thought to be the oldest tree in Ironton. Thursday the black oak in a yard at the corner of Third and Oak streets was relegated to history.

I guess it was 150 years old," said Shawn Akers, who works for Fradd's Tree Service.

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"I'm 89 years old and I've been married 67 years and it was there when I got married," said W.L. Murdock.

Murdock's son, Lowell bought the old Mary Gallagher house a month ago. One of his first projects at renovating the place was to remove overgrown trees that were hanging heavily over the roof line. More than 85 feet in height and 16 1/2 feet in circumference, the old black oak qualified for removal.

"I've cut down one other tree this big," Larry Fradd said. He guessed that the tree was 200 years old.

Removal of the old tree required two day's work for Fradd's work crew, plus a crane, and a 36 inch saw that had to make two cuts at the base of the tree.