E-mail message almost deleted has special message

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 4, 2003

Flying through my e-mail inbox, culling out all of the "free offers" and "medical miracles" that I didn't request, I almost deleted the message.

My finger was on the delete button when I paused for half a second.

Something about the non-descript message made me take a look.

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Now normally, the simple subject "Hello" isn't enough to lure me in. I suppose that the aggravating spammers have burned me too much. How many "Hello" e-mail subjects quickly turned into an electronic pitch for online Viagra or something similar? Too many.

So anyway, I'm glad I clicked on the message and read it. The message's content made me smile and made me proud to know a Lawrence County youth is serving our country proudly.

Here's the message:

"My name is PFC Cox, Sheena R. My grandparents are Major and Betty Cox of Pedro. I was wondering if you could do me a favor and somewhere in the newspaper, send them a little letter from me.

I am stationed currently in South Korea at Camp Edwards. It is near the DMZ.

I am heading out to the field next week, and I wanted my family to know that I love them so much and I miss them with all my heart. It has been hard lately to contact them due to my new work schedule. I am working every day, all day long, trying to prepare for me leaving Korea. But unfortunately, I don't know when I am going to be able to visit my family. I was supposed to see them in December, but as of right now things are (not) looking that way. Would you please put a little letter in the newspaper to them saying congrats on 53 years. And that they have made my 19 years of life very happy because I love them so much and I know they love me with all their heart and I am proud to have them as my grandparents. Please help me with this. I miss them so much and this would make them so happy to see a letter in the newspaper from me. Also, make sure they know that I am OK. Also, could you add in my Grandma and Grandpa Lawless from Coal Grove, Ohio, make this for all for of them. You can say also I love the rest of my family and my mom and dad.

Thank you so much!


Done. Thank you, PFC Cox, for working to help defend our country in a far away land. Be safe and realize that many, many people back here, from your grandparents to people you've never met are thinking and praying for the safe return of you and other soldiers abroad.

Kevin Cooper is publisher of The Ironton Tribune. He can be reached by calling (740) 532-1445 ext. 12 or by e-mail to kevin.cooper@irontontribune.com.