Lawrence County shows hunger for progress

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 14, 2003

Tribune editorial staff

Southeastern Ohio is hungry - hungry for progress. Don't believe it? Look back at Lawrence County's recent decision to support Issue 1. The progressive plan to spur economic growth in Ohio failed statewide, but Lawrence County was leading the way by saying, "yes" to progress.

As one of only a handful of rural counties to support Issue 1, Lawrence County now stands out of the crowd. As economic developers look to move resources into Ohio, they should begin looking closely at this progressive little jewel that we call home.

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The Issue 1 vote may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but it shows our area's true color. We can adapt to our changing world and we'll eventually come out on top. Lawrence County is hungry for growth and change.

Need a little extra proof that Lawrence County is hungry for change?

Look a bit to the west and you'll see Lawrence countians flocking to support the proposed new Sun Coke plant just across the county line in Scioto County.

Why would Lawrence County residents be so eager to support the development in a neighboring county?

It is simple; Lawrence County residents are smart. They understand the spin-off effective of the plant's construction.

If built, the plant will bring significant economic improvements to the area. During the construction phase, the project could bring up to 800 jobs. In the initial start-up phase about 50 to 65 new jobs would be created. And those jobs are not low-wage jobs. According to one official, the average salary of those workers would be $81,500.

Yes, officials and residents alike in our county realize that what's good for southeast Ohio is good for Lawrence County. It is a lesson that we can also apply to the Tri-State.

Lawrence County is hungry and, evidenced by recent events, filled with positive-thinking, progressive people who want change in the future.