WDRC to host open house Tuesday

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 15, 2003

Job developer Eva Christian has issued an open invitation to area employers: Have breakfast on Tuesday and learn a little about the Workforce Development Resource Center.

The center, located at 120 N. Third St. in Ironton, will host an open house Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. The WDRC houses a number of resources for both job seekers and employers looking for the right employee. Currently, it has more than 1,000 registered job seekers.

"Our entire goal is to place a quality employee with a quality employer," Christian said. "This open house is a great opportunity for us to show the employers our facility and the different programs we have available."

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In addition to showing off the programs available, for

Christian and others at the WDRC, the open house - the first such in several years - it provides an excellent way to learn what employers need.

"We would like to hear from the employers on how we can better serve them," Christian said.

As laws and regulations continue to change, Christian said the WDRC has changed with it. Too often, however, many employers are unfamiliar with all of the programs available - programs that can help them find just the right employee and can save them money.

"(WDRC) just encompasses so many different areas," Christian said. "We have programs with on-the-job training where we pay half the costs.

There are just so many different programs that I just don't think the public realizes how many are out there."