Man pleads guilty in car-though-house case

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 25, 2004

A Pedro man who drove his car through the front of his in-laws State Route 93 house will spend four years in prison.

Christopher G. Akers, 35, of 515 Private Drive 515, pleaded guilty last week to two counts of assault and two counts of aggravated menacing. Lawrence County Common Pleas Judge Frank McCown sentenced Akers to four-year terms for each assault charge and six months in jail for each menacing charge, all to be served concurrently. Akers was ordered to pay restitution for damages and stay away from the victims and their property.

Akers was arrested in March. Four people were in the house at the time of the incident.

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In other matters:

€ A Chesapeake man was sentenced last week for his part in the hold up of the Burlington Speedway in September 2003.

William Cody Wells, 19, of 421 Third Ave., Chesapeake, will serve four years in prison after he pleaded guilty to attempt to commit complicity to aggravated burglary. A firearms specification for which he was indicted was dismissed.

Three other men involved in the robbery, Carl L. Evans, 19,

Alan Mills, 18,

and Jaime Alvaro Jr., 19, all of Chesapeake, pleaded guilty earlier this month in connection with the incident.

€ Darrell Howard, 41, of Huntington, W.Va.,

was sentenced last week to four years community controlled sanctions under intensive supervised probation after he pleaded guilty to his fourth drunk driving offense. Under Ohio law, a fourth DUI offense within a six-year period becomes a felony as opposed to a misdemeanor. Lawrence County Common Pleas Judge Richard Walton also ordered Howard to pay a $1,000 fine and pay all supervisory and court costs.

€ An Ironton woman will spend six months in prison after she pleaded guilty to trafficking in crack cocaine. Johnda Hatfield, 27, of 2506 S. Fourth St., was also ordered to pay a $2,500 fine, surrender her driver's license for six months and pay all court costs.

She must report to jail July 1.