Kingsbury students save pennies for cystic fibrosis

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 29, 2004

Kingsbury students have no doubt learned a lesson about the value of the humble

penny - as well as dimes and nickels - after a recent fund drive to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

The students raised $911.42, almost double the amount they raised last year. Teacher and fund drive organizer Bob Rowe said while some children took home pledge forms, many others simply brought in spare change and found that even small amounts from little hands can add up to a big success.

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"We had penny day, where the kids brought in pennies, and nickel day and dime day," Rowe said. " I gave personal incentives and some of the teachers matched the number of kids making contributions."

In the four years that the students have had these fund drives, Kingsbury students have collected $1,643.42 for cystic fibrosis.

Photographs of the students participating appear on page 6A of today's edition of The Ironton Tribune.