St. Joseph Charity Fair slated for this weekend

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 27, 2004

As much a rite of spring as flowers and showers, the 18th annual Charity Fair will be this weekend at St. Joseph High School.

The yearly event organized by the Ironton Catholic Community raises money each year for the city's two parochial schools. The goal this year is $30,000. Event co-chair Sissy Clyse said the money goes into the general

fund for operating costs at St. Joseph and for St. Lawrence Elementary School.

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Clyse said the charity fair is a good example of how the community comes together for a good cause.

"We have so many alumni who come back to help us," Clyse said. "I think of the eight guys who were here Monday night only two have kids in school now. We have a lot of support (in the community)."

This year the fair will feature a Sunday evening performance of the local band "The Fugitives." That concert will be at 8 p.m. Sunday.

The charity fair begins at 8 p.m. Friday with "Monte Carlo Night" an the Knights of Columbus hall on South Third Street. On Saturday, the activities include a basket raffle, games, an obstacle course, the Perry Township Fire safety van and an 8 p.m. performance by the local music group "Boss Tweed."

On Sunday, activities begin with a 10 a.m. breakfast,

games, a performance by the June Conn dancers, an antique auction and the performance by "The Fugitives."

On Memorial Day, a 9 a.m. breakfast will be followed by a craft sale, bake sales, food booths and a raffle drawing.

"It's a great community event and it kind of opens up the summer season," Clyse said. " It brings a lot of family members in from out of town. It's a tradition."