OUS brings city council into homes

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Can't come to the Ironton City Council meetings? Do not worry because Ohio University Southern students will bring the council to you.

City Council typically meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of every month on the third floor of the Ironton City Center. OUS' Electronic Media Club has begun taping all the meetings and broadcasting them at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. the following Mondays and Tuesdays on channel 25.

"Most people are glad it is on TV because they can't make it. Being at 6 p.m., it is hard for some people," club member Corie Savary said. "This makes it easier to know what is going on in the community."

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The club records the proceedings but does not edit the broadcasts at all. They do add an introduction and a close to the meetings, Savary said.

The club initially started taping the meetings a few months ago when Dr. David Lucas and several students were conducting a "folknography" study. The interest just stuck because "people liked seeing it and wanted us to do more," Savary said.

Mayor John Elam has agreed to have the club try the coverage for three months at a cost of $50 per session, club advisor Joe Barta said.

Councilman Brent Pyles said broadcasting the meetings is a tremendous benefit for those who are unable to attend.

"I think the media services OUS offers are a real jewel for the community," Pyles said. "From an educational stand point and informational standpoint, it is of great value to our community."

Despite all the benefits, watching it on television does not replace actually seeing it first-hand, Pyles said.

"I think anytime you can offer some type of insight into the way a county or city government operates," Pyles said. "But, it is on delayed broadcast so it is kind of after the fact. I think people still need to come to the meetings and get involved. If you want to make a difference you have to come experience the process."

As far as Barta and electronic media director Don Moore are concerned, the students deserve all the credit because they initiated it.

"We have had a dynamic group this past year. They have done excellent work," Barta said. "They keep wanting to do more and more, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with next year."

The media club is willing to film other events including schools, churches an private events. For more information, call Barta at 533-4576.