St. Edward probes ineligible player

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 3, 2004

LAKEWOOD (AP) - St. Edward High School, ranked No. 2 in Division I and the state big-school runner-up last year, has begun an internal investigation to determine if an ineligible football player was used in four of its five games.

Such a finding could lead to St. Edward (5-0) forfeiting the four games.

At issue is the handling of paperwork on the transfer of an incoming sophomore who attended Cleveland's Rhodes High School last year. A transfer is allowed if both superintendents agree in writing that the move is needed for the student's physical or mental well-being.

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The reserve player saw limited action against Cincinnati St. Xavier, Lakewood, Akron Central-Hower and Warren Harding but didn't play against Maple Heights.

Eugene Boyer, principal of St. Edward, said the school would not comment until the review is completed. The Ohio High School Athletic Association said it has been informed of the school's review.

St. Edward plays Saturday in Washington, D.C., against Coolidge (2-2).