Friends of Ironton staying busy

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Friends of Ironton civic improvement group will change its name - at least for one night.

On the afternoon and evening of Oct. 29, the Friends of Ironton may become the "Friends of the Ironton Fighting Tigers."

The group of civic volunteers is sponsoring a bus trip to allow local fans to safely travel to and from the Tigers' last regular season game versus Columbus DeSales.

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"It's community building, really," said Rick Jansen, co-founder of the Friends group. "People traveling together and talking together will spend more time talking about the community."

In addition, Jansen said, encouraging more people to travel with the team is good for the students as well.

"It just shows the kids in the schools how much support we have for them," he said. "It's also sending a statement to the people in Columbus. It's just really a way of promoting good will. Every way you look at it, it's a positive thing."

Tickets for the trip are $25 and include admission to the game and complimentary beverages en route.

Jansen said Thursday that 36 seats were still available. People interested in reserving a seat are asked to call Cindy Haney at (740) 550-9304.

Jansen said for Ironton fans who planned to drive themselves to the game, the bus trip offers camaraderie and safety.

"No one has to worry about the state patrol," he said, adding that unlike most of the Friends ventures, this one isn't intended to raise money. "If it makes $100 I'd be surprised. The idea really wasn't to raise money, but to get people more familiar with the Friends of Ironton."

Last weekend, Friends volunteers re-roofed two bathrooms at the Iron Ridge campground at Lake Vesuvius in the Wayne National Forest just north of Ironton. Members of the group will work again this Sunday on three remaining bathroom roofs.

Jansen said the Friends of Ironton have also agreed to pay the legal fees necessary for the Ironton Port Authority to become incorporated. The expense is estimated to be approximately $1,000.

The Friends will meet next at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at the City Center.