Talks were good start; now is time for action

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Tribune editorial staff

Maybe it was the Christmas spirit or maybe it was just due. Regardless of the reasons, we are happy to see that the Ironton City Council, the administration, the employees and residents got together again to talk meaningfully about issues facing the city.

The meeting was more than just a rehash of the "We support the $10 fee" mantra from earlier this year, though that much-debated plan was part of the discussion.

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The range of subjects included police overtime, 911 dispatching, administrative changes, expense cuts and ways to generate revenue.

Even when the $10 fee did come up, at least this time around some new territory was charted. For one of the first times, each and every councilman publicly outlined their views why they support or don't support that plan.

For several audience members, this was a breath of fresh air - not the usual hot air - as they were finally able to hear the reasons come directly from the mouths' of the council.

The audience didn't agree with everything that was said but the meeting remained courteous and all opinions were at least shown some respect.

Council and the mayor also addressed the lack of communication that both have pointed at as detriments to Ironton’s progress.

Despite what some councilmen have said, a rift did exist among the group. Maybe it was not as clear cut as the 5-2 vote that ended on many issues, but there was a rift, as evidenced by the abruptly adjourned meeting earlier this month.

Now, all sides have vowed to work together to solve the city's financial problems, even saying that they understand everyone may have to compromise.

We hope with all our heart that last week's more than four-hour meeting will be the springboard for progress that desperately needs to take place in the new year.

Honestly, though, the discussion was the easy part. Now all sides have talked the talk. Now it is time to do the walking.