Reflecting on a few big, small stories from year

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 31, 2004

Tribune editorial staff

Whew! What a year it has been. The past 365 days have been anything but boring in Lawrence County. From an historical visit from a sitting U.S. President to the ongoing feud in the Rock Hill School District, the year 2004 was never short on news in southern Ohio.

But beyond the schoolyard bickering and beyond the presidential motorcade, some really big news began happening in 2004, but many of the news items that could really be big in the future, actually started out kind of small, or at least just average. These are the kinds of things that often get overlooked, lost between the politics and scandals.

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Much like seeds, these happenings will grow into amazing things to come.

Years from now, 2004 may be considered the year in which Lawrence County began to really right itself economically. This year was filled with a number of events that signaled a rising tide of economic prosperity and promise.

From the plans for a hotel in Ironton to major plans under way for both The Point industrial park, Ironton's industrial park and areas all along the Ohio River, many, many irons are in the fire.

The closing year also saw rise to a new group in Ironton, one that has blazed new trails all in the name of the greater good. The Friends of Ironton proved better than your average friend by raising money and donating those funds back to the community. In its first year of organization the group kicked off a new event, the Rally on the River, and have made plans for a basketball tournament the likes of which this area has never seen.

Lake Vesuvius was refilled again in 2004 after an impressive renovation project. Most folks may not get excited by a lake, or even immediately see its economic benefit, but both are true. Lake Vesuvius and its surrounding lands are the next big "industry" for our area.

And the eastern end of Lawrence County continues to boom with new retail locations opening up almost weekly. Bigger and better things are on the horizon for the area as well.

So what's the best part about 2004? Tomorrow we get to do it all over again and we'll get a chance to be a part of those small headline events that can make a huge difference in this community.

Happy New Year's, please be safe and look for bright things on the horizon.