Criminal mind often lacks logic we seek
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The mind of a criminal must be like a kaleidoscopic maze of right and wrong, with the borders between often shifting and moving constantly.
As the headlines grow more and more strange, much of society is left to wonder: What possesses someone to break the law? And what possesses someone to commit some of the strange crimes that occur in this world.
We have all seen the violent and horrible acts some commit while some are just downright silly such as the report of a Chinese man who was arrested after attempting to steal cakes at knife point three times in an hour from the same shop. Another criminal mastermind was arrested in Romania for organ smuggling. What is the catch? He sold his own kidney.
While these certainly may not be the norm here in Lawrence County, our breed of criminal can certainly still leave you shaking your head. It is not one bit funny, but a would-be arsonist was on the loose over the weekend in Lawrence County causing havoc for no other reason but to apparently get some thrills.
Someone started five small forest fires in the Wayne National Forest Saturday and Sunday near Dean State Forest off of State Route 93. Fortunately, the expert firefighters of this region, with an assist from some other groups, managed to snuff all the blazes out before anyone got hurt.
We can’t understand why anyone would want to destroy or damage Wayne National Forest - southern Ohio’s diamond that could continue to shine brighter and brighter.
What could the arsonist hope to accomplish? Was it an accident mixed with a few coincidences? We don’t think so.
Though we may never know or understand the "why" of these crimes, we hope authorities can find the "who" behind them.
Someone saw something or knows something. Anyone with information about the fires is asked to call the Wayne National Forest at (740) 534-6541.
We all must navigate that maze of right and wrong, sadly some of us just get lost. Maybe a few concerned citizens can help this individual or these individuals find their way.