Max, K-9 unit, becomes newest addition to sheriff#039;s office

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Roughly 75 pounds of vitality, muscle and fur, Max is the newest member of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Office.

The 18-month-old Belgian malinois joined the department May 16.

Having completed training as a drug dog, Max is also being trained as a tracking dog.

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"I think he's going to be an asset. If we're in pursuit of a subject and the subject takes off, Max is being trained to track the scent," Lawrence County Sheriff Tim Sexton said. "We'll be using him in saturation patrols in known drug areas."

Deputy Randy Rogers is Max's handler. Rogers has also undergone intensive education to learn how to work with a trained police dog.

The malinois comes from the Lynnwood Kennels in Freemont, the same place that trains dogs for the Ohio State Highway Patrol - a selling point for Sexton.

"Brian Woods (with Lynnwood Kennels) is one of only three people in the country to have a degree in training dogs," Sexton said. "He trains patrol dogs; he is highly recommended. I know we have a quality dog and quality training."

The estimated $12,000-$14,000 for the K-9 program thus far has come from local school districts that have chipped in a minimum of $2,500 each for the dog's training and care.

None of the money to train and care for Max has come from the sheriff's office budget. Sexton plans to have Max and Rogers rotate a couple days a week among the participating schools. They will also be on duty for traditional sheriff's office work.