Despite scandal, voters must approve bonds
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 5, 2005
When voters head to the polls this November, they will essentially be asked to take a big leap of faith - one we hope that won’t send us all plummeting to the bottom.
Despite recent Bureau of Workers Compensation and Medicare scandals that prove the state has been less than judicious with how tax dollars are used, Ohio residents will be asked to support a $2 billion bond package that state leaders say will be vital to Ohio’s future.
Considering these recent problems, this is asking a lot, but we believe that voters should have faith in the system, in the elected leaders and in the plan to support the levy and pass it in November.
But that doesn’t mean state leaders get a free pass on this one. Taxpayers must be more critical than ever about where and how the money is spent. As pitched, the proposal could truly help revitalize the state’s economy - if the money is spent as it is supposed to be.
The bonds would provide $1.35 billion for road, bridge, water and sewer projects; $150 million for preparing old industrial sites for new business and $500 million for Gov. Bob Taft's Third Frontier project that centers on research, development and commercialization projects.
All these areas will be critical to creating jobs and developing new industry for the 21st century. Property owners may not be thrilled about the proposition of spending more money, but they should think of it as investing in Ohio’s future, because that is what it truly is.
Don’t let all the fancy project names and fund allocations fool you, the bond levy is about creating jobs - plain and simple.
A few dollars a year could safeguard the future for generations to come. Voting for the bond levy may require a little faith in the government, but this is a leap we can’t afford not to make.