Ohio University Southern students hit campus

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 14, 2005

For electronic media majors Sarah Tackett and Tyler Staton's second year at Ohio University Southern, it is so far, so good.

"We just got out of broadcast sales and advertising, and that was really fun," Tackett said as she relaxed with Staton in the Riffe Rotunda.

"Yeah," Staton agreed, "and (instructor Dave) Surgalski is a riot."

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The two joined hundreds of OUS students on Tuesday as they returned for the first day of the new school year.

Students have a few new courses of study open to them this year this year, including a way to help them communicate with those with hearing loss.

"We're always adding programs, a certificate in deaf studies comes to mind," Keffer said. "It allows them to be more communicative with people that are challenged."

Keffer said that although the numbers were not finalized yet, enrollment looked to be about 100 students higher than the first day of school last year.

Staton and Tackett agreed that they counted on their second years being a lot easier than their first.

"After your first quarter you're pretty good," Tackett said. "So I've been comfortable for a while."

So what sage advice did the second-years have to offer to their freshman counterparts?

"Your first day's probably your worst," Staton said. "It's all uphill from there. You've got your ups and downs, but for the most part, it gets better."

Tackett was slightly less pessimistic.

"You should take some fun classes," she said.

Both Staton and Tackett had filled their time off working jobs at the Ashland, Ky., mall, helping to make the most fleeting season go by that much quicker.

"It feels like there wasn't a summer at all," Tackett said with a wistful grin.

Staton managed to stay involved with his chosen field by picking up a few hours working at WLGC in Ashland.

Though he enjoyed the summer, Staton actually missed school, although he admits that the feeling is probably just as fleeting as the summer.

"I'm kind of ready for something new. I was getting bored with the same old thing," Staton said. "But here in two weeks I'll be ready for school to be over."