Tennis courts ready for play

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The courts are now in session. At least they can be with a couple rackets and a can of tennis balls.

After being closed approximately two weeks for repairs, the tennis courts located in the Beechwood and Etna Street parks are open and ready for play.

The courts had gone many years without any major repairs leading to large cracks and splits in the playing surface. The Beechwood Park courts developed very large cracks as rainwater heading to the drains in the center of the courts eroded the playing surface. The Etna Street Park courts had many smaller splits in the playing surface making it difficult to play on.

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The cracks in the courts were filled with a concrete mixture and eventually smoothed and leveled. The courts were then repainted and relined, leaving them in near-perfect condition.

The nets are currently up and ready for play. Please take the time to check out these improvements in your city parks and be sure to take your tennis racket with you.


This time of year also means that football season is in full swing for Ironton's youth. Players in the 2nd through 6th grades participate in the Teen OVC as members of the Ironton Eagles and Ironton Bills.

In addition to the two Ironton teams, the Teen OVC consists of teams from Coal Grove, Rock Hill, Symmes Valley, Oak Hill and Green. Most all games are held on Saturday beginning at 8:30 a.m. and are hosted by each of the teams throughout the season.

These games are entertaining as well as competitive and are well worth the $2 price of admission. I would recommend these games to any fan of football or anyone else for that matter.

Another hard working group would be the young ladies in the 3rd through 6th grades who cheer for the Ironton Eagles and Ironton Bills football teams.

These girls begin practice in early August, just like the football teams, in hopes of perfecting their skills. They are on the sidelines for every game, regardless of the weather, doing their thing and should also be recognized for the long hours they put into cheerleading.

None of this would be possible without volunteers willing to give their time to the Ironton youth. I'd like to recognize some of those people for all they do.

There are many more adults who give their time than I could mention here so I'll name those who head each individual squad. The Bills and Eagles A teams have been coached by two men who I have a great deal of respect for because of all they've done for Ironton's youth. Those men are B.J. Hannon (Eagles) and Juan Thomas (Bills). Bruce Roach is the head coach of the Bills B team while Jim Dyer is the head coach of the Eagles B team.

There are many ladies who help with Ironton's youth cheerleading teams but I'd like to recognize and thank Lori Thomas and Kathy Kratzenberg for all they do in helping both cheerleader squads run as smoothly as possible.

To these volunteers as well as all others who help with the football and cheerleading squads, I personally want to thank all of you for the time you give to Ironton's youth. Without these volunteers, there would be no Ironton youth sports.

Jim Mahlmeister is the Ironton Recreation Director.