Rock Hill teen plays way into state band

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 29, 2005

ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP - A Rock Hill band member can now say she is one of the best in the state - and she has a prestigious award to prove it.

Clarinet player Tessa Gore has been selected to perform in the Ohio All-State Band by the Ohio Music Education Association.

Gore received her notification a couple of weeks ago. She is one of only two RHHS students to ever receive the distinction.

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"I was shocked at first," Gore said. "I wasn't expecting to make it."

Gore said she practiced after school every day for three months. To enter the competition, entrants must send a copy of an audio tape to the OMEA, which has a list of musical work each entrant must submit.

Roughly a thousand students entered the competition. Only 500 were selected to showcase their talent in person in hopes of being selected. Out of the 500, only 75 made the final cut.

Gore said she is thankful to Rock Hill Band Director Scott Jones and Assistant Band Director Angela Pemberton for their help in preparing for the competition. Jones said he is proud of Gore's success.

Gore is the first student he has had in his 13 years of teaching to earn this honor and he said the honor is one Gore certainly deserves.

"This is wonderful, it's really quite an honor," Jones said. "She was going up against kid from the city, from Columbus and Cleveland and Cincinnati. Some of these kids go to special schools. It's quite an honor when you think about.

And she's just a junior so she has a chance next year, also."

Gore is also the Rock Hill High School marching band's drum major.