Sky is the limit for all county#039;s school

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 13, 2005

Many of Lawrence County's schools have recently shown that attitude is everything when it comes to education. Our educators are breaking down the stereotypes of what Appalachian education can be.

For years, the belief has been that southern Ohio and other rural Appalachia schools could not compete with the big city and suburban districts under a funding system that the courts have ruled as unconstitutional but declined to fix. News from the Ohio Department of Education this week has once again destroyed this inaccurate perception.

Seven Lawrence County schools - four elementaries and three high schools - were among the 113 schools honored as 2005 &#8221Schools of Promise.“ Honorees all deserve congratulations for there efforts. They are Chesapeake Elementary, Dawson-Bryant Elementary and Dawson-Bryant High School, Ironton High School, Whitwell Elementary, Rock Hill High School and Burlington Elementary.

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The program recognizes schools that demonstrate high achievement in reading and mathematics across the schools. No one uses the fact that 40 percent or more of these students come from low-income backgrounds as an excuse.

Teachers, students, administrators and staff all deserve praise for working tirelessly to show what can be accomplished. Where we live should never limit what our children can achieve. This honor only reinforces that message.

It was only a few weeks ago that the state released its 2004 report cards. The schools will receive honors this month.

The 883 individual schools that earned an &#8221excellent“ designation will receive a congratulatory letter and a certificate to be displayed in the school. On that list are Dawson-Bryant Elementary, Fairland High School, Fairland West Elementary, Whitwell Elementary and Symmes Valley Elementary. The entire Fairland district was designated &#8221excellent.“

Additional letters and certificates will be sent to the 119 districts and 626 schools that moved up to a new designation. The Rock Hill Local School District, Dawson-Bryant Elementary, Fairland High School, Ironton High School and Symmes Valley Elementary were among these.

Again, these results show that our schools can stack up against all opponents when it comes to academic excellence. We urge all the schools in Lawrence County to come together and share ideas. If each builds upon their strengths and fixes their weaknesses, our county will be stronger for it.

With the right attitude, the altitude to which our schools can climb will be limitless.