Goober has answers for Yankees#039; postseason failure
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 14, 2005
Welp, the Angels beatin' thuh Yankees goes to prove once agin that there ain't no such thing as a certain thing.
Even though ev'ryone thunk the Yankees were a lock to win the World Series this year after they got Randy Johnson, there are 10 reasons why they didn't git past the first round. Here they are:
10. Playoffs were just not the same with the Red Sox eliminated.
9. If we can develop our own curse, we'll be a great story in another 83 years.
8. Players still upset Jets lost both Chad Pennington and Jay Fiedler.
7. Needed stadium dates for concerts before weather turned cold.
6. Steinbrenner didn't want to miss another episode of new Martha Stewart show.
5. Derek Jeter mad at the media for not giving him a cool nickname like D-Jet.
4. Being an old team, players were concerned how extra playoff money would effect their Social Security benefits.
3. Late finish of night games meant players would miss Letterman's Top 10 list.
2. A-Rod and his bat always have photo shoot for milk carton in October.
1. $203 million just doesn't buy as much as it used to.
I'm still a Reds fan myself.
Ennywho, I jest missed a second straight purrfect week - I had to chance an upset - so I wuz 9-1 to bring the season mark to 73-20 (.785 percentage). Here goes week No. 8.
Portsmouth at Ironton: Ya never know what kin happen in these rivalry games. Well, maybe this year I knows. Ironton 35, Portsmouth 20.
Chesapeake at Coal Grove: Battle fer the Little Brown Jug, or to be politically correct, the height-challenged brown drinking container. Chesapeake 34, Coal Grove 30.
Rock Hill at Fairland: Maybe the Redmen and Dragons could play fer the Burnin' Arrow. Rock Hill 26, Fairland 20.
River Valley at South Point: The Pointers may run the spread and they may run out of the I-formation. Either way, they will run away with this one. South Point 32, River Valley 6.
Ports. Notre Dame at Symmes Valley: This Notre Dame ain't nothin' like the one in South Bend. Symmes Valley 28, Notre Dame 8.
Green at Portsmouth East: I knows they is really Sciotoville Community East, but that's like sayin' Ohio State is the city of Columbus' major university Buckeyes. Green 18, East 12.
Wheelersburg at Northwest: If this is a tune up fer West, the engine is purrin'. Wheelersburg 46, Northwest 0.
Others: Ashland over Lawrence County, Portsmouth West over Minford, Waverly over Northeastern, Lucasville Valley over Oak Hill, The Simpsons over Russell.