Old building holds many fond childhood memories

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 14, 2005

SOUTH POINT - Driving out County Road 18 in South Point, motorists may notice the brick building on the right side of the road.

What perhaps may look like a school or store from days past, holds many special memories for senior citizen and local resident Helen Myers.

Myers said stories about the building, the target for this week's dart, were told to her by her mother and various other family members. Myers said the African American man who built the building had made the bricks from the clay on the property.

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&#8221My cousin had told me his brother still had the mold that made those bricks,“ Myers said.

The name of the building cannot be easily made out today, but the date is still legible - 1876.

In all those years, the little building by the side of the road has been many things: A post office, a grocery, and a home. It was the home of Helen Myers' grandparents, who operated the store in the front of the building.

&#8221I've spent many a day in that house. In fact, I had a dream recently about it,“ She said. &#8221It has a lot of fond memories for me.“

First, the building was the Montreal Post Office. When the name of the area was changed to North Kenova, it was the North Kenova Post Office. Then it became a grocery store.

Helen said that her grandfather, Louis A. McKee bought it from a man she believed to be Will Moore.

Myers grandparents ran a store in the front of the building with the back of the building and the upstairs used as their house. They had 10 children including her mother, Anna Ruth McKee Roman.

&#8221I spent some time snitching the grapes out back,“ she said as she laughed. &#8221I really thought I was getting something over on him, but he knew all the time. I've eaten many a cracker out of that store.“

Attached to the building is another brick building which Myers said was a summer kitchen. They ate in the summer kitchen to get out of the heat. Back then, there was no electricity and no fan to keep cool, Myers said.

&#8221In my time they kept sweet potatoes and things like that in there, but they used it,“ she said.

Her grandfather not only lived there and ran the store and post office, but for a time he was also the justice of the peace.

In those days, they handled many &#8221local disturbances“ right there, she said.

Myers said that she loved her grandfather and grandmother and she had some of the fondest memories of her life at the building. She said she thinks what was most important in her childhood was that her grandparents lived by the golden rule.

No matter the historical value of the building to others, it will always be a place of great significance and fond childhood memories to Helen Myers and those she shares her stories with.

&#8221It's definitely historical to me,“ she said.