Ironton man pleads guilty to four charges of drug trafficking
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 17, 2005
An Ironton man wanted on multiple drug charges and a California man wanted for criminal non-support were among those entering guilty pleas this week in Lawrence County Common Pleas Court.
Jason Hubert, 27,
721 Chestnut St., Ironton, pleaded guilty to four counts of third-degree felony trafficking in crack cocaine and one count of fourth-degree felony trafficking in powder cocaine. Lawrence County Common Pleas Judge Richard Walton sentenced Hubert to four years in prison on each of the third-degree charges and 17 months in prison on the fourth-degree felony, all to be served concurrently. Hubert must pay a $22,500 in fines and surrender his driver's license for two years. Hubert was given credit for time he had served in jail awaiting conclusion of his case.
Warren Hong, 42, of San Dimas, Calif., pleaded guilty Wednesday to three counts of fifth-degree felony criminal non-support. Hong told Lawrence County Common Pleas Court Judge Frank McCown he was sorry for falling behind in his child support payments, but that ”I think there's a flaw in the system; my children have never been neglected.“ Hong said he had a good relationship with his children.
McCown sentenced him to six months in prison at the request of Assistant Prosecutor Brigham Anderson, but accepted defense attorney Derick Fisher's request that Hong be given credit for time served, approximately two months, and that this sentence be served concurrently with any sentence imposed in Illinois on other, unrelated charges.
He was accused of owing the mother of his three children more than $74,000 in child support payments, accumulated between 1988 and 2005.
In exchange for his guilty plea on the three felony charges, three misdemeanor non-support charges were dismissed.
A Willow Wood man also pleaded guilty to criminal non support charges.
William Freeman, 29,
5522 State Route 217, was sentenced to three years community controlled sanctions under intensive supervised probation after pleaded guilty to three fifth-degree felony counts. Also Wednesday, a Kitts Hill man was sentenced to one year in prison after he pleaded guilty to one count of third-degree felony burglary.
James McClellan, 20, of 1891 County Road 5, was also ordered to pay $395 restitution to his victim. McCown ordered him to report to authorities in two weeks.
Additionally, Donald Newsome, 40, 95 Township Road 1377, South Point, pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree felony domestic violence and two counts of first-degree misdemeanor endangering children. Walton sentenced Newsome to four years community controlled sanctions on each of the domestic violence charges and six months in jail on each of the misdemeanor charges.
The jail terms were suspended in favor of one year's probation. Newsome was ordered to refrain from going around his victims and was given credit for time served awaiting conclusion of his case.