Coal Grove resident thinking about Christmas

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 9, 2005

COAL GROVE - The leaves were falling and the temperature was in the 70s, but the theme at the Roselee Creger house Saturday afternoon was Š Christmas.

&#8220I'm not a cold weather person,” Creger said. &#8220And I don't do well after it gets cold. My son and daughter-in-law were nice enough to volunteer to help. The only thing is: the bugs are driving me crazy. But I'm getting to enjoy my kids.”

While son, Gary Jr., and daughter-in-law, Jennifer strung a Santa Claus and reindeer on the front of Roselee's High Street house and then touched up the lighting on the shrubbery, she watched the progress.

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There are a lot of things she likes about living in Coal Grove and High Street in particular.

&#8220It's peaceful here, quiet. I don't have to worry a lot about crime. I know there is crime but not the way it is in other places,” she said.

And it's a family-oriented place - something Coal Grove residents mention when they talk about the benefits of living where they live.

Roselee's mom, Dorothy Bowman, also of Coal Grove, celebrated her 80th birthday Saturday and a cousin, Tonya Cordial, of Russell, Ky., celebrated her 25th.

Roselee and the children will finish their decorating and join other family members for a celebration in honor of the birthday ladies.

Not part of a city and yet not far removed from family and friends, Roselee said High Street in Coal Grove is a happy medium between urban and rural.

&#8220This is as good as it gets living in the country without living way out in the country.”

The Dart is a weekly feature in which a reporter throws a dart at a map of Lawrence County and finds a story where it hits.