RH students show giving spirit with food drive

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 29, 2005

ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP - Some Rock Hill Middle School students clearly believe it is indeed more blessed to give than to receive, and they've put their actions where their hearts are.

Middle school students collected more than 1,000 food items that were donated Monday to the Ironton City Welfare Mission. The food drive was organized by members of the National Junior Honor Society.

&#8220I'm amazed and proud,” Lindsay Pernestti, seventh-grade writing teacher and honor society advisor said. &#8220I'm proud of the kids and proud of the teachers. Everyone put forth their best effort by bringing in lots of food items and it was all for a good cause.”

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Pernestti said while the food drive started a month ago, most of the food was collected within the last two weeks. This was the first time the honor society at the school has sponsored a food drive. Club members hung signs and worked to motivate other students to get involved.

&#8220I think it shows we care and we have a lot of compassion for other people,” Pernestti said. &#8220I as a great opportunity for everyone to come together for a good cause to help those in need.”

From helping hands to needy hands, The Rev. Jeff Cremeans, director of the city mission, said the food collected will be given to area families who contact his office seeking assistance. He said he gets a lot of requests this time of year and it seems the number of requests increase from year to year.

&#8220Last Christmas we gave more than 600 families food baskets,” Cremeans said. &#8220Donations are very helpful this time of year.”

As for the honor society members, one successful food drive may be followed up with another.

&#8220We do plan to do this again, maybe at Easter time,” Pernestti said.