Treasures from the Past

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 29, 2005

PEDRO - It takes some people a lifetime to find something they love doing. Roger Cade found his when he was 6 years old.

Cade owns Pedro Antiques and Used Furniture. He said his knowledge of antiques is second generation, and everything he learned, came from his dad.

&#8220Out of seven brothers and five sisters, I am the only one who inherited my dad's knowledge of this stuff,” Cade said as he looked around his store on Friday afternoon.

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Cade knows a lot about the items in his store - he sells not only antiques but used furniture - so visitors not only get a look at pieces they may not see everyday, but perhaps a history lesson to go with it.

Cade said he likes the kitchen cabinets and the mantels the best as he points out an interesting looking white mantel. He said he tries to cater to those who may be under privileged and cannot afford to go out and buy new furniture. Cade said he tries to keep &#8220everyday things people can use.”

&#8220I really enjoy doing this because there are only a few used furniture stores in Lawrence County,” he said. &#8220The antiques are just the icing on the cake.”

Cade said he gets some of the antiques he sells at the store from estate sales and auctions. People travel to his shop in Pedro from as far away as Texas and Alabama. He said they used to have an auction in Texas but the flood in '93 &#8220took them” and they returned here to Lawrence County.

The building Cade's business is housed in has perhaps as many stories to tell as his antiques do.

Over the years the building has been many things but the one thing many people seem to be the most familiar with is the former Homer White Grocery.

&#8220When Homer White was here he raised three boys,” Cade said. &#8220And their living quarters were right back here,” as he pointed to an area of the store.

Cade's friend, Clyde Mullins, who stopped in to see what he was doing, said he too remembers the building when it was the grocery because he was there frequently.

&#8220This used to be a grocery store,” Mullins said. &#8220I used to shop here all the time.”

Cade said the building has also housed a church, a laundry mat and a video store and maybe other businesses as well. He is fixing the building up as he can. Cade said when he &#8220inherited” the store; it had 3,000 pop bottles in it - all of which were made in Lawrence County.

&#8220It's been a little bit of everything,” Cade said of the building.

The Dart is a weekly feature in which a reporter throws a dart at a map of Lawrence County and finds a story where it hits.