Teachings of Jesus still provide answers in today#8217;s world

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 30, 2005

As we think about this man called Jesus, we all have many thoughts and ideas of Him, who is He, where did He come from, what did He do while here upon this Earth, why did He have to die the death on the cross. A simple reading of the Bible will answer these questions. We know that He was the only begotten son of God and that He came to know and He came to pay a debt that we owed to God and could not pay. Before He would die He had a short ministry of only three and a half years. But He preached many sermons and he did a lot of teaching. The Bible tells us in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

I loved what He taught in Matthew 5-7. If you have not read that portion of scriptures for a while, I hope you will take time today to read it again or for the first time, if you have never read it. There is a great blessing that comes from reading God’s Word (The Bible). As Christians, we read the Bible and draw from it strength, comfort, direction for our lives. If you are unsaved, your reading the Bible could bring you under conviction to where you would put your trust and faith in Him.Just what did he teach in Matthew 5-7?

A. He teaches us that there is a hereafter and only two places we can to to. Heaven or Hell. Matthew 5-22.

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B. He teaches us that just working miracles or saying Lord, Lord, will not get us entrance to Heaven. Matthew 7:21-23.

C. He teaches us that there is only one way to get to Heaven, not many. Matthew 7:13-14.

D. He teaches us that this one way has a great foundation. Matthew 7:24-27.

E. He teaches us that Christians are the salt and light of this world. Matthew 5:13-14.

F. He teaches us as Christians we will have persecutions. Matthew 5:10-11.

G. He teaches us that there are many blessings for the Christians that strive to be like Him. Matthew 5:3-8.

I. He teaches us how we are to show our Christianity. Matthew 5:38-44.

There are many other things Jesus teaches us in this one lesson. I have not covered them all, but I hope that you will read it for yourself. If you do not know this wonderful Jesus as your personal Saviour, I hope that you might call upon him to day and invite Him into your heart and life. You will find that this will be the best thing you have ever done. God has given us and preserved his word that we might have his teaching on how we should walk and live. I know that God does bless His children who walk according to His teaching, which we only find in the Bible.

James Cremeans is the pastor of City Mission Church.