Hospitals help smokers kick habit

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Countless Americans vow to stop smoking in the new year but often find themselves lighting up just a few weeks into January. Two hospitals are hoping to change that.

Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital and King’s Daughters Medical Center will each offer free smoking cessation programs to help Tri-State residents kick the habit.

OLBH is offering a 12-week program that utilizes the Cooper-Clayton method to help participants become non-smokers and start breathing a little easier. Sessions begin at 6 p.m. Monday and continue weekly in the OLBH Human Motion Vitality Center conference room.

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“It often takes more than willpower to become a non-smoker,” Jean Bowling, R.N., said. “The best way to stop smoking is through a combination of counseling, support and nicotine replacement therapy. Regardless of how long people have been smoking, every day they are a non-smoker will improve their health and could add years of quality living.”

The classes are free except for the cost of nicotine replacement or Zyban. Family, friends or other members of an individual’s support system are welcome to attend.

For more information, or to register, contact the CareLine at (606) 833-CARE (2273).

King’s Daughters will offer five new courses, starting next week. Participants meet for one hour each week for 24 weeks.

Nicotine replacement therapy, nicotine reduction, behavior modification and group support are the cornerstones of the KDMC tobacco cessation program. KDMC medical oncologist/hematologist David Goebel, M.D., is the medical supervisor of the program.

Participants are responsible for purchasing their own nicotine patches and gum. Participants also receive a free 6-month membership to the Ashland Area YMCA during the class.

Attendance at the first session is not required. Participants may join the program anytime.

The inaugural meeting locations and dates include:

Park Place, 1701 Central Ave., Ashland, Ky.

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

KDMC Health Education Center (lower level of Lexington Ave. parking garage)

Tuesday, Jan. 10, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday, Jan. 11, noon to 1 p.m.

Thursday, Jan. 12, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Registration is preferred and can be made by calling (606) 327-4147.