Readers look back at events

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Now is time for another new year and a time r many residents to reflect on 2005 and the events that changed the community, the nation and the world.

Many things happened this year, many events that changed some people’s lives forever.

Whether they were local, nation or international, residents were quick to weigh in on what they thought was the biggest story of the year.

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“The tsunami and Hurricane Katrina,” Beth Henderson said.

Henderson said she feels like everybody else does about the events — they were very sad, and you feel for the people that were affected by them.

“It affects how you feel about your own kids,” she said. “What could happen in your own area.”

Evie Kesling was quick to answer about a story of 2005 that touched many here in the area the most.

“The gas prices,” she said.

Kesling combated the monstrous gas prices like many in our area. Kesling said she stayed home more and planned out her errands better.

Locally this year, drugs, and the tragic crimes that surround them were also often in the news. Jessica Boston said she thought the drug problem in the area was something that affected many this year.

Another recent story for this year — the search for 2-year-old Hevin Dakota Jenkins — whose body authorities believe was

thrown into the Ohio River after he died at his aunt’s residence in West Virginia. Clinton Rice said he was both sad and angered by this event.

“I think it is crazy,” he said. “I was mad and disappointed in hearing that someone would do their own children that way.”

Many stories touched many lives as residents remember the past year and look ahead.