City interviews candidates for finance director

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 3, 2006

The first round of interviews to replace the city finance director was conducted Tuesday, where a city hiring committee began the process of narrowing a field of several candidates.

The city had received 15 applications so far, three of which were interviewed during the executive session.

Only three of the councilmen, Butch Huff, Rick Meeks and chairman Chuck O’Leary actually conducted the interview process, which O’Leary

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said would streamline the several interviews that had to be conducted.

&uot;We just don’t want seven people bombarding them with questions,&uot; O’Leary said.

The hiring committee did accept other questions from other council members to be asked of the applicants.

Although O’Leary had contacted six candidates for the Tuesday interviews, two said they were no longer interested in the job, and one deferred until a later date.

The city is looking for someone who, at minimum, has five years experience and a bachelor’s degree in accounting, public finance, or a related field. But O’Leary said that wouldn’t necessarily be a deal breaker.

&uot;In my opinion, I’d prefer to have a CPA or a college graduate,&uot; O’Leary said. &uot;But in my years of interviewing, I’ve found that you don’t want to write someone off just because they don’t have a college degree. They could have a lot of experience and make up for it.&uot;

In the advertisement for the job, the council asks for someone that has &uot;thorough knowledge of administrative policies and laws governing municipal finance practices&uot; and &uot;thorough knowledge of the municipal budgetary system.&uot;

The city will continue accepting applications until Friday. O’Leary said

he expected there would be at least one more round of interviews.