The Ironton Tribune named best small paper
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 3, 2006
The Ironton Tribune was recently named the best community newspaper in Ohio by the Associated Press after bringing home 20 awards at the organization’s annual awards banquet.
The Tribune won 1st place in the General Excellence category for newspapers below 8,000 circulation, an award that is given to the paper that presents the best combination of news coverage and quality production.
“We are humbled by this honor. It is truly a testament to the hard work of each and every member of our staff,” said Publisher Michael Caldwell said. “We think we have focused on bringing our readers a quality, entertaining and informative product that showcases the best of our community.”
“We are Lawrence County’s hometown newspaper, bringing our readers the stories first and doing it best. We do not look at this as the end but rather the launching pad for more great things to come.”
The Tribune exceeded 2005’s efforts by six awards and earned nine 1st-place honors.
Awards were given in the following categories:
Best Enterprise Reporting: 2nd Place, Teresa Moore, “Where are the Police?’’
Best Business Reporting: 1st place, Justin McElroy, “Neighbors’ Business.’’
Best Editorial Writer: 1st place, Kevin Cooper; 2nd place, Michael Caldwell.
Best Columnist: 2nd place, Michael Caldwell.
Best Business Writer: 2nd place, Justin McElroy.
Best Game Story: 1st place, Jim Walker, “Ironton Breaks Down Ashland Again.’’
Best Sports Breaking News: 3rd place, Jim Walker,
Best Special Sports Section:
Honorable mention, Jim Walker, “Basketball 2005’’; 3rd place, Jim Walker, “College & NFL Football Preview 2005.’’
Best Illustration: 3rd place, Beth Davis, “From the Mouths of Babes’’; 2nd place Jessica St. James, “Caution: Delays Ahead’’; 1st place, Jessica St. James, “Mark on History.’’
Best General News Photo: 3rd place, Jessica St. James, “Bright Skies’’
Best Feature Photo: 2nd place, Jessica St. James, “Bovine Kiss’’
Best Special Section: 1st place, “Profile 2005.’’
Best Full Page Layout: 3rd place, “Community Divided’’; 1st place, “Lesson Plan’’;
Best Page One Layout: 1st place.