Show your father a little praise today

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 17, 2006

It may be only one day out of the year, but it’s one of the most important days nonetheless.

And though it doesn’t seem to get the attention and coverage that Mother’s Day gets, Father’s Day is just as important.

We all have fathers. Some are alive; some have died; some are still around; and some are not.

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If you’re lucky enough to still have a father who is alive and living in the area, today is the day to show some appreciation. And for some of you, it might take a little bit of courage to do it, but this is one day of the year when fathers everywhere really need to hear it.

Even if you don’t communicate with your dad for whatever reason; think about changing that today.

And not all of our fathers played catch with us or took us to ballgames, but many of our fathers supported us in ways we may not have ever realized.

From the time we were growing up and our dads made sure we were clothed, fed and had lunch money for school all the way up through college, the military or work, many fathers have supported their children, not only financially, but emotionally as well.

And, although there are some sons who feel a little uncomfortable showing emotion to their fathers, this is the one day of the year where they can get away with it.

Hard-working pops everywhere deserve a little praise from time to time, even though many of them never ask for it. And though many dads won’t admit it, they probably enjoy that attention every now and then. Sure, they may act humble. Sure, they may act like they don’t want the attention. But dads need a little TLC just as much as moms do.

So, before you go to bed tonight, make an effort to call or — if you’re close enough — go visit your father and either tell him how much he means to you or give him a hug.

You never know how many more Father’s Days you’ll have to share with your ‘old man.’

Besides, if you’re a father yourself, wouldn’t you want the same thing from your children?

Happy Father’s Day from the staff of The Ironton Tribune.