OUS instructor wins second Telly Award

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 30, 2006

A major award may seem like a big thrill, but it may be slightly old hat for Ohio University Southern instructor Brad Bear.

Bear is one of a production team of students, faculty, and staff of the OUS Electronic Media Department that was awarded two Telly Awards for “Imagine Ashland,” a multimedia DVD that promotes the Ashland area. The DVD was created for Ashland Alliance.

The Telly Awards is a widely known national and international competition and receives more than 12,000 entries annually. It honors the top local, regional and cable TV commercials and programs, as well as video and film productions.

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Bear, the videographer for the school also earned a Telly in the scriptwriting category. But it’s not the first time he’s taken home one of the awards.

“We won it before when Brad was a student,” said OUS media director Don Moore. “And now he’s carried it right back, and that’s quite an accomplishment.”

The project represented a homecoming of sorts for Bear, who recently worked with Turner Broadcasting before returning to the Tri-State area. Once back at OUS, the “Imagine Ashland” project was the first that he worked on.

“We really don’t realize what we have until you actually have somebody capture it,” Moore said. “Brad, where he was out of the area in Atlanta for several years, being away and coming back he had a really fresh outlook on our community.”

Not one to hog the spotlight, Bear said that the honor is all kind of a blur.

“Honestly, I’m so swamped, I didn’t even realize at first,” Bear said. “It’s awesome, it’s great to have, but you just keep looking forward. It’s nice to have the pat on the back though, that’s for sure.”

But Moore, who called the win a “total team effort,” said that the award was really a tribute to the entire department.

“What I take away is the quality and the teamwork of my staff,” said Moore. “They go the extra mile, not only to take care of a client, but also to train and teach students on the proper ways of doing things.”