Air show set for July 3, 4

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 3, 2006

ASHLAND, Ky., — Fireworks of another sort will fill the Tri-State skies over the next few days.

For the first time in its history, Summer Motion will host an air show around 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the Ashland Boat Dock.

According to Dan Hieronimus, a flight instructor and one of the show’s organizers, the event will feature five different pilots doing a variety of aerobatic maneuvers, such as inside/outside loops, Cuban 8’s, reverse 8’s, spins and Lomcovaks — pronounced Lum

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vacks — which is a series of auto-rotational, tumbling figures.

In this manuever, the aircraft appears to tumble out of control. For example, the aircraft could tumble nose over tail and wingtip over wingtip in a negative-g, gyroscopic condition.

Some of the planes featured in the show will include a Yak 52, Decathlon — a two-seater — and two Pitts, which are highly maneuverable, very fast planes.

Hieronimus — who also serves as director of the Star Community Justice Center in Franklin Furnace — has coordinated several air shows in the past along with Bill Nenni, who will serve as the air boss for the Summer Motion shows.

The two have helped organize air shows for several years in Huntington, W.Va., and Lawrence County for such big names as the Blue Angels. They also helped coordinate a series of Tri-State anti-drug air shows, which took place back in the early 1990s.

As air boss, Nenni will be the air show’s air traffic controller of sorts — having the task of coordinating all the flights while they are in the air.

As for weather, Nenni hopes that

rain shouldn’t be a problem.

“It would have to be pretty bad,” he said. “Your garden variety summer thunderstorm should not interfere (with the air show).”

However, Nenni added that inclement weather could cause the show to start a little early or a little later than the targeted 6 p.m. start.

“We left ourselves a pretty good window in case of bad weather,” Nenni said. “Our labor time is between 4 and 8 p.m. So, if it looks like were going to have bad weather late, we may start early. If the weather is bad early on, we’ll start the show late,” he said.

Although this is the first event of its kind for Summer Motion, Hieronimus hopes it’s the first of many.

“I think this is a good family-oriented event and a chance to have some good, clean fun,” he said. “The more people that come, the better the chances are that the event will return and grow.”

Although the event will be at the Ashland Boat Dock, the show likely will be visible from both sides of the Ohio River.

For more information about the event, visit Summer Motion’s Web site at