Pharmacy in South Point robbed
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 29, 2006
SOUTH POINT — He wasn’t seeking money, but the man who held up the McMeans Pharmacy Monday afternoon was still looking for loot.
Authorities said a masked man walked into the South Point drug store armed with a gun, pointed it at people in the store and demanded OxyContin and hydrocodone pills.
“He obtained several pills and then ran to a nearby vehicle,” Lawrence County Sheriff Tim Sexton said. “We located the vehicle approximately 20 minutes later at the Lawrence Village apartments and it was a stolen Jeep out of Putnam County, W.Va. We are following up on a few things and we are processing the vehicle this morning.”
No one was injured in the incident that took place just after 3:30 p.m. although four employees and a customer were in the store at the time.
The man is described as being approximately 5 feet 11 inches tall, with a slim building, approximately 170 pounds.
Deputies canvassed the area around the drug store and the apartment complex Monday afternoon and evening. Sexton encouraged anyone with any information that may lead to arrest of this person to contact the sheriff’s office at 532-3525.
“Sometimes even the smallest tip can lead to an arrest,” he said. “A person may know someone whom they think is selling drugs and they have a large amount of prescription pills. Or they may know someone they suspect is using drugs and this person has an extraordinarily large amount of drugs. Some people are even known to brag about what they’ve done. Anything the public can do to assist us, we appreciate.”