Makeshift Drive-In part of church outreach effort
Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 29, 2007
SOUTH POINT — Each month, the parking lot at Foodfair of South Point becomes a free drive-in movie theater with a 12-foot screen.
“This will be the third one we’ve done over there,” said Terry Wagner, pastor of the Tri-State Worship Center. “We want the community to know the church is a ‘user-friendly’ place. We’re just trying to get the church outside the four walls.”
One of the goals of the church is to offer community outreach, he said.
The movies are all family-oriented, such as “Happy Feet” and “Charlotte’s Web.”
Tonight “The Lion King” will be shown at the Foodfair parking lot beginning at 8:30 p.m. with free popcorn and drinks.
The church is very casual and non-traditional, Wagner said.
The church mission statement is “To encourage a saint, help the hurting and embrace all people.”
The programs are all geared toward the church’s mission.
“We think the happiest people on the planet ought to be Christians,” Wagner said. “We try to find things to do that will communicate that message. It’s been an amazing journey so far.”
The church has purchased a large building across the road from the current building with 20,000 square feet that will be worked on in two phases in the near future.
On July 21 at 7 p.m., family day is planned at the South Point Foodfair parking lot with the Adventure Wrestling Association for the family.
“It is a gospel message and it’s a little bit different, but it’s an interesting way and it will attract a lot of young people,” Wagner said.
The wrestlers are called “It’s Muscle with THE Message,” with wrestler’s names like “Peacemaker,” “Flesh and Blood,” “Sons of Salvation,” “Baal,” and the GloryBound Express.”
“What they do is present the message of Jesus Christ with this wrestling theme,” Wagner said. “The last one they did, about 600 people were in attendance. We’re sponsoring it but we’re not there to say ‘OK, everybody come to our church now.’ There are enough people in Lawrence County for all the churches. Our goal is not to see our church grow — our goal is to see the church grow.”
If it rains, a tent will be set up on the Foodfair parking lot, but people need to bring a chair, he said.
The next family day will be in September or October. The church is located at 802 Solida Road, South Point. For more information, call (740) 894-1742.