Does being saved make life a bed of roses?
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 31, 2007
“When you get saved, your life will be a bed of roses and all your problems just disappear.”
Folks, that is one of the biggest lies you will ever hear in your life.
Do you know where that lie comes from? It doesn’t come from other people. It comes from Satan, himself, and straight from the pits of Hell.
If we let him, Satan can be a loud voice inside of us. He tries to convince us that we aren’t really saved if we mess up or have a hard time with things.
He also tells us that if we are really Christians, we shouldn’t be afraid of anything.
Friend, if we listen and believe this, we totally disregard and ignore what Jesus taught us shortly before he was crucified.
I was listening to a young lady say one time that if we were truly saved, we wouldn’t fear death.
I don’t fear death. Praise God, my Lord Jesus saved me from the devil’s hell, Amen.
I am concerned, however, with the journey getting there. Folks being nervous, sad, upset or even being scared is totally normal.
God created us and instilled in us every emotion that we have. Fear, praise Jesus, does not come from Him (2 Timothy 1:7). It comes from sin and the results of sin in this world.
If you have your Bible handy (and you should), look up this verse or just follow along, because Jesus teaches us a valuable lesson about fear in these next two verses.
“Then saith He unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death; tarry ye here and watch with me. And He went a little further, and fell on His face and prayed saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Matthew 26:38-39 (KJV).
First of all, allow me to say that Jesus was not only all-God, but He was also all-man.
He was in great torment over His coming physical pain, separation from the Father and death for the sins of all mankind.
He is fearful and He tells the disciples He took with Him about His feelings. Jesus knew of the pain, suffering, torture and humiliation He was to endure.
If anyone had a right and cause to be scared, it was Him.
Although His divine purpose in coming was set, Jesus, in His human nature, still struggled (Hebrews 5:7-9). Because of His torment and struggling, Jesus can relate to our fears and sufferings.
When someone tells you that a true Christian wouldn’t be afraid, it is a lie.
Sometimes, life can be scary.
When we make a decision to follow Jesus, it can get even scarier. If you don’t believe that, I would be more than happy to tell you about the first time I preached a message.
As children of God, we’re not supposed to be prefect. We just need to tell others about Jesus, love others and keep his commandments. (John 14:15)
In Matthew 26:39, Jesus prayed, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”
Sometimes God may call us to do things that seem scary and might make us panic.
Here’s the good news: God will always give us the ability to do what He commands us to do.
Just remember to “be still and know that I am God…” Psalms 46:10. He is in control and the safest place any of us can be is in His will.
Doug Pinkerton is a Baptist minister from Cannonsburg, Ky.