Candidates forum Tuesdayat OU Southern
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 29, 2007
The Ironton Cooperative Club’s Meet the Candidates forum is set for Tuesday at 6 p.m. and all candidates have agreed to appear at the event.
“We’ve got 100 percent response,” said Treasurer Cheryl Willis, who said most of the candidates agree because it is a good way to get their platform directly to the public. “This is really a way for the public to help make a decision on the candidates.”
The event will be from 6-9:30 p.m. in the Bowman Auditorium at Ohio University Southern and will feature candidates for Ironton mayor, Ironton City Council and the Ironton Schools’ board of education.
Bob Smith, formerly of WSAZ and Ohio University, will moderate the program.
The format will allow questions to be submited to the candidates and Smith will read the questions. Each candidate can respond within a certain time limit.
Willis said there aren’t any subjects that can’t be brought up.
“But with Bob Smith as the moderator, if he sees something that isn’t appropriate, it won’t be asked,” she said.
She said the debates are often lively.
“It’s the mayor’s race that sets off the sparks, people want to see a continued positive change for the city and they are curious to see how the candidates are going to do that,” Willis said.
Candidates for the school board will go first, the council candidates second and mayoral hopefuls last.
This is the fourth time the co-op club has had this event.
Anyone with questions about the event can call Willis at (740) 532-4243.
The Ironton Cooperative Club is a service committee made up of women and they raise funds for educational purposes.
The club will sell tickets of the Home Tours and the Ironton High School commerative plates before the event.