Watch night services set across area
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 28, 2007
UPPER TOWNSHIP— For the faithful at LaGrange Freewill Baptist Church, the old year will go out with a blessing rather than a bang.
Worshippers will gather at the church New Year’s Eve to follow a tradition of praying the old year out and the new year in during a watch night service.
“It’s been popular throughout the centuries that people would come together for the new year,” LaGrange pastor, the Rev. Gene Brammer explained. “In the old scriptures, the Israelites would celebrate the new year. Obviously their new year doesn’t coincide with ours. But we basically follow the scriptural background.”
Brammer said there will be special preaching and music as well as a break for refreshments. Then just before midnight, worshippers will gather to pray. The service is open to all and Brammer said his congregation loves visitors.
“Everyone is welcome to come,” Brammer said. “If you come and visit us, we’ll treat you as you would want to be treated. We’re country folks who love to come together and worship The Lord.”
For a complete listing of watch night services, please see page 8.