Green school board members should step down

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 4, 2008

I am a proud alumnus of Green High School. As a result, I try to stay in touch with the news from Franklin Furnace.

Recently, I learned of the tragic decision to not renew the contract of Principal David Hopper.

This decision, unfortunately, does not surprise me. This school board has reigned with inefficiency, half-hearted leadership, and brazen discord to the wishes of the community.

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This has resulted in the dismissals of numerous proficient teachers in the past few years. While Green struggles to stay above “academic watch,” the board chases away our best teachers.

Furthermore, the board has always hidden under a fa?ade of leadership when its actions have come under scrutiny. They will not give answers because they know the community will not continue to press. I urge the community to make this time different.

The board’s actions, or inactions, have stirred a quiet whisper into a boisterous cry of discontent. Now, is the time for action.

Citizens of Franklin Furnace, stand up and be counted — for your community and for your school. Words falling on deaf ears are as effective as broken arrows that fail to reach their target.

I urge the immediate resignation of all school board members — you can no longer hide behind your fa?ade of leadership.

You must answer for your actions.

Ryan Hetsler

Franklin Furnace