Eagles closed as inquiry continues
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The doors to the Ironton Eagles Club will stay shut and locked a while longer.
Kim Miller, spokeswoman for the Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles said the Aerie 895 is now closed indefinitely pending the outcome of a joint investigation by the grand aerie and the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.
After the investigation is complete, a decision will be made whether and when to reopen the club. Miller said it is typical when aeries are closed that the attorney general’s office is asked for assistance. Telephone calls to the Attorney General’s Office were not returned.
In the meantime, former treasurer George Stamper, who stayed in his position after the initial closing last month, has also been relieved of his duties. Miller said that is also a part of Eagles procedure.
“As of now, no officers are in place,” Miller said. “Mr. Stamper was a resource for us to understand records and so forth but our policy is for all officers to be removed.”
The aerie was originally closed in March. A notice on the doors that said the club has been “closed until further notice” because of “continuing internal conflict and continued loss of revenue.” The notice was signed by Eagles agent Richard Kolb.
Eight employees have been laid off.