Show of support was appreciated, will not be forgotten

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 28, 2008

To be a principal or not to be a principal! Those were the questions going through my mind over the last two months while enduring the life-changing situation involving my career.

Without indulging any further into the situation that was presented to the Tri-State area, I want to emphasize my sincere appreciation for the support received from my faculty and staff, students, parents and the Green Local community.

I also appreciate the support from my family and others from outside the school district as well. In education, everything we do revolves around students. Throughout my career I have always made decisions whether easy or difficult for the greater good of the whole school.

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I will continue with that philosophy, especially after my students walked out in protest of the Board of Educaton’s decision to non-renew my contract. When adults protest that is one thing, but when students do so it is an entirely different story.

Getting the approval of my students was the ultimate compliment to my performance as principal.

Am I the best in my field?

Absolutely not!

Do I care about my students and staff? Absolutely!

If I take anything away from this at all it would be the fact that, as educators, if we do our job with compassion and sternness it will be appreciated in the end. I have a new beginning in light of everything that has happened during the past two months — a sense of renewal, no pun intended.

I never wanted to leave Green Local Schools. I am here for at least three more years to serve the very people who served for me over the past two months. I will never forget your tiring efforts to save my job.

Your success will be mine as well.

Thank you!

David Hopper

Green High School principa