Memorial parade gets donation, honor

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 30, 2008

The Liebert Corp. has made a donation to keep the nation’s oldest continous Memorial Day parade rolling.

On Friday, the company donated $2,000 to the Ironton-Lawrence County Memorial Day Parade committee.

“This is great,” said Bob Blankenship, the 2008 grand marshal. “The Liebert Corp. has always been good to the community and we appreciate this very much.”

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Caroline Haberthy, human relations coordinator for the Liebert Corp.’ Ironton plant, said the company was happy to make the donation.

“We want to contribute to the local community since we are part of Ironton,” she said. “Through this donation we hope to motivate other companies and groups to support America’s longest-running Memorial Day parade.”

In other related news, the city of Ironton received a Proclamation from the White House in honor of the parade and those who laid down their lives for country.

Every year, Katrina Keith, formerly the mayor’s secretary and now the claims specialist for the city, invites the president of the United States to appear in the Memorial Day Parade. Although his office declines every year, the White House sent a Proclamation of Peace asking for world peace on Memorial Day 2008.

“It’s pretty neat,” said Mayor Rich Blankenship. “We are very appreciative of this proclamation.”

The proclamation is on display in the Ironton mayor’s office.

Ironton’s Memorial Day Parade is one of the longest running in the United States and has been held every year since 1868.