Officers should be thanked for upholding traffic laws
Published 10:43 am Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I read in a recent letter-to-the-editor that “Ironton has a reputation of a speed trap.”
I also read where the author of the letter stated that “we were going to lose the businesses we now have,” because of Ironton police officers pulling over cars in Ironton.
The author also asked for people to “speak up.” Well, I am responding to the call.
I would like to personally commend Police Chief Carey and his officers for pulling over and hopefully ticketing people in our town who are in violation of the speeding law.
Personally, I would like to see more of it. You see, the author of the letter never mentioned whether these people who are being pulled over were actually guilty or not. He also failed to mention how fast these cars are traveling.
Are they going five mph over the speed limit? How about 10? Would 20 mph over the speed limit be too much? The fact of the matter is the violators are breaking the law and it is being enforced. Kudos to the Ironton Police Department on a job well done.
A note to Police Chief Carey or any of his fine Ironton patrolmen. I live at 1928 South 6th St. and I personally invite you to sit in fornt of my house anytime you want!
Although I have only lived there for two months, I have already witnessed that it is sort of a drag strip from 6th and Kemp to 6th and Oak.
You see, I am proud of my town and I want to see all of our children play safely in our town. I also want to see the speed limits of our town remain enforced.
Maybe then we will all be more conscious of the fact that Ironton’s future leaders are playing all over town. I just want all of us to realize that and slow down in our neighborhoods.
Again, thanks to all police and fire personnel. You are working hard to keep all of us safe. A town that cares for its kids and all citizens will grow economically, in spite of a few tickets.