It’s turkey dinner time for Ironton Catholic schools
Published 12:13 am Sunday, October 26, 2008
It’s October and once again it’s “Turkey Dinner Time”! For those of you who are unaware of what that means, it is the Ironton Catholic Schools Support Organization’s largest annual fundraiser.
Each year, on the last Sunday of October, we hold our Turkey Dinner in the St. Joseph Church Undercroft. This year the dinner will be held on today from 1– 5 p.m.
Many hours of preparation and hard work are contributed to help make our dinner successful.
Over 2,000 dinners are cooked and served by volunteers. Although carry-out dinners are a major part of this event, over 700 people join their family and friends for a delicious meal of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls, cranberries, dessert and a beverage.
Dinner guests are seated at festively decorated tables and are served by students of our Ironton Catholic Schools. St. Lawrence Elementary students display their talents by providing the centerpieces and wall décor.
In order to ensure success, parents in both schools give their time and help with the dinner. We also have some volunteers who no longer have students in our schools, but generously give their time and talent to help us succeed.
As in past years, there will be a craft & bake sale. Again this year you may purchase chances for raffle items, such as a beautiful wreath donated by Weber’s Florists, a gift certificate donated by A Touch of Grace, a beauty basket donated by All That, along with a Lincoln Log set, a 5-foot Santa, and a lovely fall centerpiece.
We are ever so grateful for all of our Turkey Dinner Patrons whose names are listed on our placemats. We are also thankful to the many of you who come to visit us sharing in the fellowship and warmth of this wonderful meal. Ironton is a great community and we are blessed each year with continued support.
Come to join your neighbors, family, and friends. We sincerely hope to see you there.