South Point church to have blood drive

Published 9:54 pm Saturday, November 29, 2008

There will be a Red Cross drive Monday from 2 to 6 p.m. at South Point Church of Christ, 3rd and Virginia streets.

The American Red Cross is urging local residents to give blood as December begins a period when blood collections historically decrease as people get busy with winter holiday preparation.

“Hundreds of people each day continue to need life-saving blood transfusions, even while others are beginning to prepare for holiday celebrations,” Susie Wade, donor resource marketing specialist, Greater Alleghenies Region, American Red Cross. “The Red Cross must continue to collect enough blood each day in order to supply area hospital blood banks. Trauma cases, planned and emergency surgeries, and cancer treatments do not stop during this time and all can require blood transfusions as part of those patients’ medical care.”

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More than 1,000 units of blood must be collected each weekday within the region’s 100-county service area in order to meet the needs of patients at hospitals within the Greater Alleghenies Regional.

Donors of all blood types are needed each day. However, persons with type O negative are always urged to donate at blood drives in the area. Type O negative blood, found in just seven percent of the population, is considered the “universal blood type” and can be transfused to a patient with any blood type.

To donate blood in Ohio an individual must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in generally good health.