Helping needy vital this year

Published 10:42 pm Saturday, December 13, 2008

Perhaps more so than any Christmas in recent memory, this holiday season will be made a little brighter by a variety of selfless agencies lending a hand to those in need.

We are always impressed — but never surprised — by the level of giving and generosity displayed by Lawrence County area churches and organizations whose mission it is to lend a hand.

The list of all those doing positive things in the community is too numerous to outline here, but there are a few groups whose recent efforts stand out.

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Father Ralph Beiting and his Appalachian Mission Center distributed a quarter-million pounds of food to agencies focused on helping needy families in Appalachia.

The 15-church member Community Mission Organization in Chesapeake will be the local agency receiving food.

Then at least 550 food baskets will be distributed to Lawrence County families from the CMO’s headquarters at the Chesapeake Community Center.

In Ironton Saturday, St. Paul Lutheran Church distributed more than 600 boxes of food to families that just need a little helping hand this year. The church opted to go with food over toys this year in light of the economy.

Couple this with organizations like the Ironton City Welfare Mission and First Methodist Church in Ironton who help those in need all year long and really rise to the challenge around the holidays, and it is obvious that Lawrence Countians truly understand the spirit of giving.

And we are sure this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to groups that are working together to help those who may be less fortunate or who are facing challenging circumstances.

This level of selflessness and caring is what the Christmas season is truly all about and it makes us proud to be from this region.

Christmas is a time for giving and, thankfully, countless Lawrence Countians understand that.